Welcome To Chipstead SC Youth & Juniors Section
About Chipstead Chipmates
Chipstead Chipmates is the junior and youth development, coaching and racing group at Chipstead Sailing Club for 7 to 18 year olds.
Whether you are looking to learn to sail, race competitively or just sail for fun, the Junior Class at Chipstead Sailing Club provides a safe and friendly environment for junior and youth helms to sail.
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Sailing Training for New Chipmates
Children who register as beginners or with experience as crew begin with a six-week training block lead by the Junior Leaders to learn the
basics of sailing. Their readiness for the regatta fleet will be assessed after week 6 when they will either move to the regatta fleet or be advised to secure additional tuition through Chipstead Sailing Club’s Saturday Adult Club (SAC), a RYA course run through our RYA Accredited Training Centre, or seek lessons from another provider.
Chipmates Annual Summer Camp
Supervised fun and games in Club Topper, Optimist and RS Tera dinghies! Chipmates annual camp takes place every year and is for young members aged 7 – 14 years and who have attended a minimum of three Chipmates Saturday Club sessions.
More information is provided below …
Chipmates Saturday Club (mornings from 6th April). Fun, supervised sailing and informal coaching for young people on most Saturday morning between April and October. Club boats can be provided (subject to booking) ...
Chipmates annual camp is for young members 7 - 14 years of age who have attended a minimum of three Chipmates Saturday Club sessions.